This article outlines steps to configure Honor Education Production integration in Moodle.
Configure Honor Education LTI Integration
As a Moodle Administrator, visit Site Administration → Plugins → External Tool → Manage Tools
Next, click on Configure tool manually.
In the Tool settings section, enter or select the following values:
Field |
Value |
Tool name |
Tool URL |
LTI version |
Public keyset |
Initiate login URL |
Redirection URI(s) |
Tool configuration usage |
Default launch container |
In the Services section, for IMS LTI Names and Role Provisioning select Use this service…
In the Privacy section, ensure that Share launcher’s name with tool and Share launcher’s email with tool are set to Always.
Click Save changes.
Click on the View configuration details icon of the newly configured tool.
Provide the configuration details to Honor Education. They should include:
Platform ID
Client ID
Deployment ID
Public keyset URL
Access token URL
Authentication request URL
Perform Initial Launch
Once Honor Education has confirmed receiving the platform configuration details, perform an initial LTI launch from a test course.
Enter Edit mode in your course, then click Add an activity or resource:
From the list of activities and resources, select Honor Education:
Next, you will be prompted to provide a name. Use Honor Education, or an appropriate name. You can also add a description.
Click Save and return to course and exit Edit mode.
Click on the activity name to launch into Honor Education.
If you see Oops! You do not have access to this course in Honor Education, confirm with Honor that your test course has been mapped to an Honor course.