Honor Create has a range of assessment functionality. To start creating assessments, open up a course and select the Assessments tab.
You can create two types of Assessments: an Assessment or a Quiz.
Assessments are long-form evaluations of student work. Create a new Assessment by clicking + Add Assessment. Give your Assessment a name and a description. Then, select your Assessment type. There are three types of Assessments:
- Short Answer: Students submit a written response to a prompt.
- File Upload: Students submit an assessment or assignment by uploading a file.
- External Assessment: This links to an assessment on an external website, such as your LMS, Quizlet, etc.
Select the Category that your Assessment falls into.
You can also add Related Topics - these topics will be displayed in Honor Learn so that your students know which Topics the Assessment covers.
Finally, you can add Related Materials from your Materials Library.
Click Create.
Set the visibility of your Assessment with the Eye and Lock icons.
Now, when you open up your Assessment, you can view student submissions as they come in.
You can also edit your Assessment from this screen by clicking Edit.
To view a student submission and give feedback, click the submission.
From here, you can review your student’s work by reading their short answer submission or downloading their file submission.
Navigate between student submissions using the Previous Student and Next Student buttons.
Add notes and feedback for your student in the Leave feedback box.
To accept the submission, click Accept Submission & Continue. To reject the submission or ask the student to resubmit their work, click All Options and select an option.
Quizzes are short multiple choice assessments.
To create a Quiz, click + New Quiz and give your Quiz a name. Then, open up the Quiz to edit it.
Write a description for your Quiz. Then, create your quiz questions.
Write the text of your question in the text box. You can add special formatting and images to your quiz questions. Then, write the answer choices, specifying correct answers with the check boxes on the right. Repeat for all of your quiz questions.
Finally, enter the Pass Threshold for the Quiz - this is the number of correct answers your students need in order to pass the quiz.
Now that you’ve finished creating your quiz, you can set its visibility using the Eye and Lock icons on the Quiz Card.